Babylon is the USA 
 9.5% Probability we are in the End-times 
 Babylon is the USA 
9.5% Probability we are in the End-times 

Dedicated to promoting, expanding and preserving
swing dancing in Southern Idaho

The intent of this website is to support the ideas from the book "Babylon is the USA" by Tarc Voidfeet.   One of the contentions from the book is that the end-times begin with a war in heaven and Satan being cast out.   Satan with his band of rebel angels will then make war on the church.   This time period covers Revelation chapter 2-6 and Matthew 24:4-14 as well as the early parts of Revelation 12 and Revelation 17.

Since the war in heaven will not be visible from the earth, the church will need to detect the end-times through the biblical descriptions or "signs".   Hence the need for a calculation of the probability of the likely-hood that we are living in the beginning portion of the Biblical end-times.   It is the contention of the author that the church will endure the early persecution of the antichrist and false prophet in Europe as well as the enticements of wealth and sexual immorality in the USA before the rapture.

It is the opinion of the author that the great city/nation described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 represents the United States of America.   The early recognition by Christians and churches that we living in the end-times and that it can only be a few short years before the rapture, will free up vast financial and manpower resources to finally accomplish the mission of the church: world evangelism.

Calculating the probability that we are living in the end-times is subjective.   The author has identified a dozen or so signs of the end-times (mostly gathered from descriptions in the book of Revelation).   These values are weighted by importance.   Some of these signs may or may not occur during the early end-times.   For instance, the antichrist and false prophet will display signs and wonders, but it is unknown if these signs will be manifest early before the rapture.

I have arbitrarily set a begin date of 2000 AD as the starting time for these signs.   So even though the return of some of the Jews to Israel (1948) and the development of computer technology (1970s) are end-time signs, I have not included them.   I did include the development of liguistically capable AI in 2023.

The calculation currently takes the sum of all the values for the signs divided by the maximum value times one hundred.   This value is a true percentage in that it will not go over 100%, but will undoubtedly understate the true probability.